Tuesday, December 11, 2007

liberals & conservatives

If you label yourself liberal or conservative you imply that you have closed off other avenues of thoughts and ideas. In business, I find it very convenient to interact with people who so label themselves as I generally know just how they think and I am able to manipulate the situation to best fit my interests. In personal interactions, I more often then not will assume the opposite position and see to just what extreme of ludicrous argument I can steer them.

I much prefer to think freely, analyze each situation or data set, and draw whatever conclusions seem most appropriate under the circumstances. Sometimes my conclusions, ideas, thoughts, opinions fit the liberal persuasion, sometimes conservative, but more often than not they fall into some area of gray between the two.

Free thinking is not taught in our schools and is discouraged in the media and employment situations generally. Some of the best free thinkers often become artists, song writers, and poets; they are often on the fringes of society and looked at askance by the middling hoard as different, weird, nerdy, etc., and shunned (perhaps because the middling hoard is jealous and envious of people who can think for themselves).

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